Posted by admin
Posted on April 26, 2019
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Streaming Wir haben nur gespielt (2018) Full Movie and Download. Wir haben nur gespielt can be access for free registering. Streaming Wir haben nur gespielt with 720p Quality.
Wir haben nur gespielt (2018)
Release : 2018-06-30 Genre : Runtime : 86 minutes Home Page : Company : Cast :
Two boys from different worlds. Of all possible times, the start of summer vacation is when 10-year-old Jona has to move away from Berlin to the German-Czech border with his mother and new stepfather. He's lonely and angry as he inspects his new surroundings. Across the border, he meets Miro, a 13-year-old Ukrainian boy. Jona is fascinated by the confident but taciturn boy, only slowly discovering the fate that's hidden behind Miro's grown-up façade.
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